In this class, you will learn the basic techniques of garment construction and fitting. You will complete at least one garment and expand your knowledge and abilities for performing basic sewing techniques and methods. You will make a simple garment such as a dress, skirt, shorts, slacks or shirt.
In this class, you will learn:
" The terminology of sewing
" To set up and thread the sewing machine
" To wind the bobbin and load it in the machine
" To sew a seam, follow the seam guide, adjust stitch length, reverse the stitching, change a needle " To cut, pin and assemble one simple project such a dress, skirt, shorts, slacks or shirt
Required Textbook: Simply the Best Sewing Book: The Essential Reference for All Home Sewers
ISBN- 1843405571
Author- Simplicity Publishing
Required Equipment:
" sewing machine
" sewing machine manual
" shears
" straight pins (dressmaker or quilt pins)
" pin cushion of choice
" tape measure
" six-inch seam or hem gauge
" tracing wheel and paper
" marking pencil, chalk or sliver of soap
" bobbins to fit your machine
" hand and machine needles
" seam ripper
" sewing machine
" sewing machine manual
" one yard of scrap material
" buttons
" interfacing (fusible)
" miscellaneous sewing equipment, i.e. scissors, pins, needles, etc.
Students must bring a portable sewing machine to class.